Candidate Process

McKinnon Targeted Recruiters works to make the process as simple and stress free as possible. 

Candidates are contacted directly by one of our recruiters. An initial discussion will determine next steps based on the suitability and interest level for the role.

If we are contacting you for the first time and the above criteria has been met, we will request that you forward a copy of your resume to us by email in Microsoft Word format. We respect the fact that it may take some time for this to be prepared. After the resume has been reviewed or if we already have a copy in our database, the recruiter will contact you for a more in-depth discussion.

If it’s determined that a fit exists, the recruiter will share detailed information regarding the position, and the company.

In the interest of protecting our client’s confidentiality, please note that if a fit is absent the recruiter may refrain from sharing specific details about the client. We retain the candidate’s resume and interview notes on file so that they may be considered for future positions.

Detailed candidate briefs are forwarded to our client who will then inform us of their desire to interview. We then arrange meetings, between both parties, and debrief to ensure both the client and the candidate are in alignment with respect to next steps. The experience and knowledge that McKinnon Targeted Recruiters brings to this stage of the process has proven very helpful to both candidates and employers alike.

Your recruiter will mediate offer discussions in order to assist you in securing the desired position. At this stage, references are requested and contacted either by your recruiter or the client directly.

Upon acceptance of the position, congratulations are in order and coaching will be provided regarding the resignation process.

Your recruiter will contact you from time to time, and is always available to help ensure that your new role is everything you expected.